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On what stock exchange is Faraday Future traded and under what ticker symbol?
Faraday Future is listed on the Nasdaq Global Exchange under the ticker symbol “FFIE”.
How can I purchase shares of Faraday Future?
To purchase shares of Faraday Future, please contact a brokerage firm.
Who is Faraday Future’s transfer agent?

Faraday Future’s transfer agent is Continental Stock Transfer & Trust Company. They can be contacted at:

Address: 1 State Street, 30th Floor, New York, NY 10004-1561
Phone: +1(212) 509-4000

How do I transfer stock, change the address on my shareholder account, or replace a lost stock certificate?

If your shares are held through a brokerage account, you must contact your broker. If your shares are held by you in your name, please contact Faraday Future’s transfer agent at:

Address: 1 State Street, 30th Floor, New York, NY 10004-1561
Phone: +1(212) 509-4000

When does Faraday Future’s fiscal year end?
Faraday Future operates on a calendar year that ends on December 31.
Does Faraday Future pay a dividend on its stock?
Faraday Future currently intends to retain all available funds and any future earnings to fund the development and growth of its business and to repay indebtedness, and therefore does not anticipate declaring or paying any dividends in the foreseeable future.
Does Faraday Future have a direct stock purchase program?
At this time, Faraday Future does not have a direct stock purchase program.
What is the CUSIP number for Faraday Future’s shares?
The CUSIP number for Faraday Future’s Class A Common Stock is 307359 109.

The CUSIP number for Faraday Future’s warrants is 307359 117.
Who is Faraday Future’s independent registered public accounting firm?
Faraday Future’s independent registered public accounting firm is Mazars USA LLP.
Where can I find all of the SEC filings for Faraday Future? Where can I find quarterly and annual reports?
All of Faraday Future’s SEC filings are located on the SEC Filings page. Quarterly reports are available on the Quarterly Results page or directly from the SEC at Annual Reports are available on the Annual Reports page or directly from the SEC at
When and where is Faraday Future’s next annual stockholders' meeting?
The date, time and location of the annual meeting of stockholders is announced in the company's annual proxy statement filed with the SEC and is available at: SEC Filings.
What is the relationship between Property Solutions Acquisition Corp. and Faraday Future?
Property Solutions Acquisition Corp. (Nasdaq: PSAC) was a publicly-listed special purpose acquisition company formed for the purpose of effecting a business combination in the technology sector. In January 2021, Property Solutions Acquisition Corp. entered into a definitive agreement for a business combination with Faraday Future. In July 2021, the parties completed the business combination, and the combined company changed its name to Faraday Future Intelligent Electric Inc. and began trading on the Nasdaq Global Exchange under the ticker “FFIE”.
When is Faraday Future’s next earnings release?
When an earnings release is scheduled, all details will be posted on the Events & Presentations page on Faraday Future’s investor relations website.